I had the privilege of being called on to give the final talk of this year’s OpenEye CUP XXIII to close an engaging meeting full of excitement for structure-based drug discovery. In this talk, I highlight the rapid work going on in machine learned (ML) potentials and their growing role in alchemical free energy calculations for structure-enabled drug discovery, and close with a provocative opportunity for the future of computer-aided drug discovery. [PDF]

CUP XVII talk slides

I had the great pleasure of being the final speaker at OpenEye's ever-stimulating CUP meeting in Santa Fe, NM, now in its 17th year. David Mobley and I were able to demonstrate the ease by which hydration free energies could be computed on GPUs in the cloud using open source tools.

Many people requested a copy of my slides, so here they are! [PDF]

OpenEye JCUP VI talk slides

I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to speak to a distinguished collection of scientists from pharma and academia here in Tokyo at the OpenEye JCUP VI drug discovery meeting.

I thought it might help to post a PDF copy of my slides where I discuss how experiments and theory can work together to gain insight into how to improve quantitative predictive models for drug discovery.