pKa measurements for the SAMPL6 prediction challenge for a set of kinase inhibitor-like fragments

Mehtap Işık, Dorothy Levorse, Ariën S. Rustenburg, Ikenna E. Ndukwe, Heather Wang , Xiao Wang , Mikhail Reibarkh , Gary E. Martin , Alexey A. Makarov , David L. Mobley, Timothy Rhodes*, John D. Chodera*.
* co-corresponding authors
Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design special issue on SAMPL6 32:1117, 2018.
[DOI] [PDF] [bioRxiv] [Supplementary Tables and Figures] [Supplementary Data (includes Sirius T3 reports on all measurements)]

The SAMPL5 blind challenge exercises identified neglect of protonation state effects as a major accuracy-limiting factor in physical modeling of biomolecular interactions. In this study, we report the experimental measurements behind a SAMPL6 blind challenges in which we assess the ability of community codes to predict small molecule pKas for small molecule resembling fragments of selective kinase inhibitors.