What Markov State Models can and cannot do: Correlation versus path-based observables in protein-folding models

Ernesto Suárez, Rafal P Wiewiora, Chris Wehmeyer, Frank Noé, John D Chodera, Daniel M Zuckerman
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 17:3119, 2021
[DOI] [PDF] [bioRxiv] [GitHub]

Markov state models are now well-established for describing the long-time conformational dynamics of proteins. Here, we take a critical look of what properties can reliably be extracted from these coarse-grained models.

Ensembler: Enabling high-throughput molecular simulations at the superfamily scale

Daniel L. Parton, Patrick B. Grinaway, Sonya M. Hanson, Kyle A. Beauchamp, and John D. Chodera
PLoS Computational Biology 12:e1004728, 2016. [DOI] [PDF] [bioRxiv] / data: [Dryad] / code: [GitHub]

We demonstrate a new tool that enables---for the first time---massively parallel molecular simulation studies of biomolecular dynamics at the superfamily scale, illustrating its application to protein tyrosine kinases, an important class of drug targets in cancer.