Folding@home 20th Anniversary Livestream!

Folding@home is twenty years old this year! It’s been a wild ride: Probing the fundamental nature of protein folding, organically growing the world’s first exaflops computing resource, and tackling COVID-19 drug discovery with free energy calculations at unprecedented scale. The project has produced hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific papers and enormous public datasets for researchers to mine.

We were lucky to celebrate some highlights from the past twenty years with Folding@home founder Vijay Pande, Greg Bowman (the current Director of the Folding@home Consortium), Sukrit Singh, ReadyPlayerEmma, and COVID Moonshot guests Alpha Lee and Frank von Delft who joined me to talk about the amazing progress the Moonshot has made over the past few months.

If you missed the livestream, you can watch the recorded stream here on twitch.

Help us reach one million folders on Folding@home!

Our lab is a core member of the Folding@home Consortium, a research network of 11 laboratories around the world that use Folding@home to study the molecular mechanisms underlying cancer and other diseases and identify new routes toward therapies. Together, we are aiming to recruit one million volunteers donating compute cycles to help us! 

Please join us, especially if you have a GPU: Folding@home can harness the power of your GPU
It costs nothing (other than your electrical bill) and provides a way to donate your idle computer cycles to biomedical research.

Download Folding@home now


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